Saint Rocco and his dog - an imposing wood carved sculpture
in original estate. Southern France about 1650. Height 160 cm.
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The Saint was born in 13th century
in Montpellier. He was the son of rich
and noble parents. After their death he
gave all goods to the poors and became
the great complaint. Helping everywhere,
he became ill himself in Piacenza. In the
hospital he got no help, he was too poor.
So he found in the woods a hut. A little
dog in the neighbourhood brought everyday
a bread and an angel cared his wounds.
He returned to Montpellier. Nobody believed
him to be the son of the noble family.
They took him as a spy and imprisoned him.
After five years he died.

Since 15th century Rochus was in Germany the mediator for all epidemic diseases. Since 1485
are parts of his skeleton in the San Rocco cathedral in Venice. The Saint Rocco
is the patron saint of the medical profession. His name-day is on 16th August.
Literature: Reclams Lexikon der Heiligen und der biblischen Gestalten.

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